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“Risk is a demonstration of faith.”

I believe this statement, but risk many times leads to pain, and I don’t like pain. Why do people take risks if they may end up having to go through pain if the risk turns out poorly? What makes the risk worth it? Thinking about this, I came to the conclusion that the rationality of risking is present if the possible reward of the risk outweighs the possible pain. 

I’ve been thinking a lot about the pain risking lately, particularly when it comes to matters of the heart. Relationships cause pain. Anyone who has even been in one know this to be true. Those that you have given a piece of your heart to, hold in the hands the ability to cause you the greatest pain in your life, and many times they do cause that pain. Why do people risk their hearts then? People are not perfect, so giving an imperfect person a piece of your heart to hold, guarantees that you will experience some level of pain. Why would I ever give my heart away then? Why would I ever take such a risk where the vulnerability of my heart would be so great??? – Because the experience of love is greater than the risk of pain. There is the saying “it’s better to have love and lost, than never to have loved at all.” I believe this is true because to love is to live. The one that has not known love has not lived. Those that love us will hurt us, but pain and love are both a part of  being alive. When you experience love you know you’re alive, and when you experience pain you also know you are alive. 

I’ve experience my fair share of pain. Perhaps even more than what’s fair, but I also have faith in love and so I choose to continually risk the pain in order to experience the love. I’m not only referring to love of the romantic sort. Though that’s where these thoughts of mine are stemming from, they count toward love in any form of relationship. Those who wall themselves off from relationships, block themselves off from giving and receiving love. They might think they are protecting themselves from pain, but ultimately they are keeping themselves from experiencing life. Love and pain are a paired rhythm to life, like a kind of heartbeat. Love teaches great lessons, as does pain. We need both in order to live. You cannot have love without risking pain, and without love you’re not really living. 

I promise you will experience pain when you allow yourself to risk loving and being loved, but I promise that even if the worst case scenario happens, God’s love will always see you through. He was and is there for me in my pain. He will be there for you as well. With any risk, there is a level of fear present. Some fear is necessary in order for us to not make stupid decisions, but it’s bad if the fear keeps us from taking any risks at all. Fear helps us stop and weigh the value of the risk, so yes, stop and weigh it, but don’t decide not to risk just because you fear pain. To be honest I’m just writing this to myself. I’m processing the feels of my heart with the knowledge that I hold in my head by writing it all out. I have faith in what I know though, and if risking demonstrates faith, then let my faith be seen. Love is risky business, but love outweighs pain, so take the risk.